The David Lukas Show

Think the creation of money is a boring subject? Think again! Just how much do you know about that Federal Reserve Note that’s in your wallet?

The American Heritage Dictionary defines fiat money as “paper money decreed legal tender, not backed by gold or silver.” The two characteristics of fiat money therefore, are, it does not represent anything of intrinsic value and (2) it is decreed legal tender. Legal tender simply means that there is a law requiring everyone to accept the currency in commerce.

 “We are living in an age of fiat money, and it is sobering to realize that every previous civilization in history that has adopted such money have always economically been destroyed by it.”

Listen to David Interview G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island.

From the back of the book: Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.


The secret meeting on Jekyll Island in Georgia at which the Federal Reserve was conceived. This meeting consisted of 6 men who represented 25% of the worlds ENTIRE wealth and the time.  This meeting was the birth of the banking cartel better known as The Federal Reserve. The strategy was to protect its members from competition; the strategy of how to convince Congress and the public that this cartel was an agency of the United States Government.

The basic plan for the Fed system was drafted at a secret meeting held in Nov. of 1910 at the private resort of J.P. Morgan on Jekyll Island Off the coast of Georgia. Those who attended represented the great financial institutions of Wall Street and indirectly, Europe as well. The reason for secrecy was simple, had it been known the rival factions of the banking community had joined together, the public would have been alerted to the possibility that the bankers were plotting an agreement to eliminate their competitors, which of course is exactly what they were doing.

The stated objective of The Federal Reserve System is to stabilize the economy, yet since its inception, it has presided over the crashes of 1921 and 1929; the great depression of 29’ to 39’ recession in 53’ 57’ 69’ 75’ and 1981, the stock market “Black Monday” in 87’ and 1000% inflation which has destroyed 90% of the value of our dollar.  Inflation is the largest hidden tax known to man. What the public would never tolerate through direct taxation, they have unknowingly  been subjected to an enourmous hidden tax. The tax of inflation. In terms of The Federal Reserve acheiving their true objectives, they have been an unqualified success.


Listen in as David and G. Edward Griffin discuss The Mandrake Mechanism.  Mr. Griffin coined the term The Mandrake Mechanism, which is the process by which money is created within our economy. This process is unknown by the vast majority of the public.

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

A consequence of the national banking system was to make it impossible from that date forward for the federal government ever to get out of debt. It is a little known fact that all of the currency circulating within our economy was created out of debt. Our current monetary system utilizes mostly government bonds as backing for the money supply, it has locked the nation into perpetual debt.

Even advocates of central banking have admitted this reality. Economist John Galbraith stated “ following the civil war, the Federal Government ran a heavy surplus.  However, it could not pay off it’s debt, retire its securities, because to do so mean there would be no bonds to back the national bank notes. To pay off the debt was to destroy the money supply.”

David and Mr. Griffin briefly talk about the IMF and The World Bank.

Congress passed the Monetary Control Act of 1980 which authorized the Federal Reserve to “monetize foreign debt”.  That is banker language meaning that the fed was now authorized to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending to foreign governments. Until that moment, it was only allowed to make money for the American Government. Since then, The Federal Reserve has been functioning as a central bank for the entire world!

Think the creation of money is a boring subject? Think again! Just how much do you know about that Federal Reserve Note that's in your wallet? Tune in to listen to David interview G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island.

To make smart decesions with your money, It's  imperative that you understand what is really going. If you would like to talk to David about this topic or any other topic, call him anytime at: 501-952-3090.

To learn more about G. Edward Griffin and to order his book, visit:

Wikipedia Entry for G. Edward Griffin

Remember that you can access all links on this page by clicking on "Extras" on your David Lukas Show smart phone app or your Ipad or Android Device. 



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Category:general -- posted at: 11:38pm CDT

The value of your business is larger than some and certainly some businesses are larger than yours. There is one thing that all business owners have in common and that is they want their 
business to grow!

This week David dives into a very important topic. If you are a business owner, this show is dedicated to you! You wake up every day unemployed, and you don't get paid till someone says  "yes, I want your product!"

The entrepreneurial spirit and the hard work that every business owner invests into their business is to be honored. The many hours of sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears behind the scenes that every entrepreneur experiences is to be commended. All of this energy is expended without any guarantee of success.

The small business owner is the primary job creator in this great country of ours and any success they achieve is despite all of the obstacles in front of them . They overcome these adversities and not only improve their lives, but also those they employ that help them accomplish their mission.

This is what makes America work, not the bureaucrats in Washington D.C.  If you work for a small business owner, thank them! If you are a small business owner, you know what we are talking about first hand!

How efficient is your business? You may be loosing money due to expense loss that you have no idea that is even taking place. Expense loss is not only the money you are forced to spend which is simply the cost of doing business, but also money you could be loosing unknowing and unnecessarily.

There are only two ways people other than you can make a substantial impact on your business. One would require an intimate knowledge of your business to find new markets or better opportunities for growth. This often requires increased risk for your and your company. The second way would be for someone to help you become more efficient with what you are currently doing and reduce areas of risk and loss. Obviously if you knew where the losses were occurring you would already solved these issues.

Many advisers have ideas of where you should invest the money your business is generating. When it comes right down to it, there is no better place to invest your money than in your own company, simply because it is something you know and can control to some degree. The money your company generates is investment return. There is more opportunity to positively impact your business financially by avoiding expense losses than ever picking better investment opportunities.

There is more power in minimizing the losses than every trying to pick the winners.

Tune in to hear David discuss what you thought to be true about your business may not be. There is a better way. Call David anytime: 501-952-3090


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If what you thought to be true turned out not to be, when would you want to know about it? David spends a few minutes talking about The Circle of Knowledge. There are three types of 
knowledge in the universe.

1. What you know to be true. I.E. You know the sky is blue.

2. What you don't know. You know that it exist, but you don't know much about it. You are consciously incompetent in these matters.  I.E. Brain Surgery.

3.  Everything else that is exist in the universe is what you are unconsciously incompetent in. This is related to topics you don't even know exist. They reside in your blind spot.

Your blinds spot can be likened to you driving down the interstate and you look in your rear view mirror. You don't see anything. You then look in your side mirror and you still don't see anything. You then look over your left shoulder and all of a sudden there's a 3000 pound vehicle traveling at the same speed you are. Now the question is: Was that vehicle there all along, or did it appear just when you saw it? You see, that car is like the information in the universe, it's out there traveling at the same speed as you are, but you have no awareness of it.

Is your income common, or uncommon? The answer may just surprise you.

Tune in to hear David discuss the topic of being more efficient with your money. Where is the first place you focus on when looking to achieve a balanced cash flow model? What is a balanced cash flow model? When you are saving enough today to ensure that you can live at the same standard of living adjusted for inflation when you no longer have earned income. The vast majority of advisers will narrowly focus on the area of accumulated money. While this is certainly important, this is not the first place one should look to increase their wealth. This results in many taking unnecessarily risk with their money.

David would love to hear from you on this topic or anything else that's on your mind. Call David anytime at 501-218-8880

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:25am CDT

This is the first show that David did in 2013. David talks about a variety of topics including:

Fiat Money, what is it? Our current form of currency that we use (The U.S. Dollar) is not backed by anything of intrinsic value. History has not been kind to civilizations that instituted what is happening right here in America today.

David talks about the Spender, the Saver and the Wealth Creator and The Personal Economic Flow Model

**Note** On the next show, David will make a clarification in regards to a how you finance a major capital purchase and  the difference between compounding interest and amortizing interest. Once you factor in the total cost of ownership which factors in lost opportunity cost, or principal and interest at interest, the cost is the exact same assuming the rate of return is the same as the cost you are borrowing. The cost are the exact same if you pay cash or you finance your purchase. (see below) However, having liquidity use and control of your money and uninterrupted compounding interest, are reasons to considering borrowing instead of paying cash. (see example below).

Tune in next week or give David a call at 501-218-8880

Direct download: davidlukasshowpodcast01-05-13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53pm CDT